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EPH Price Promise - Found a better quote elsewhere? Give us a call on 01937 222 777
*Rental Price excludes transport, VAT and is based on a 1-3 days hire with discounted rates available for longer periods.

Quote Enquiry

Subtotal: £0.00

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EPH Price Promise - Found a better quote elsewhere? Give us a call on 01937 222 777
*Rental Price excludes transport, VAT and is based on a 1-3 days hire with discounted rates available for longer periods.

EPH Price Promise - Found a better quote elsewhere? Give us a call on 01937 222 777

*Rental Price excludes transport, VAT and is based on a 1-3 days hire with discounted rates available for longer periods.

See it in Action


How lowwwwwwwwwwwwww can you goooooooooooooo? Our Limbo pole has certainly induced some dodgy backs here at event prop hire, we are a competitive bunch you see. Champion is most definately Chris. Check out that action!

Component parts are 2 stands and a pole. Simple as that.


Height: 1550mm
Width: 2400mm
Depth: Contact us for details
Weight: Contact us for details
Limbo Pole