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The Black Shroud: An Enchanted Forest with Timeless Tales

Embark on a mystical journey into The Black Shroud, a realm where ancient trees whisper secrets of ages past, and moonlight dances through leaves, creating a symphony of shadows and light. This enchanted forest, filled with life and legend, invites attendees to become part of its timeless tale, transforming the festival grounds into a living storybook of fantasy and adventure.

Attendees were drawn into a narrative woven with the threads of ancient lore and living nature, where every path led to discovery and every shadow held a story. The zone was a tribute to the complex ecosystems and rich histories that define the world of Final Fantasy, offering a blend of mystery, skill, and connection.


Key Experiences:

What’s on the Menu?: A culinary challenge that set attendees on a thrilling race against time to gather hidden ingredients throughout the forest, guided by cryptic clues. Completing the recipes brought not only the satisfaction of achievement but also a taste of the forest’s bounty.

Esun-a-Morbol & Doors of Amdapor: The very heart of the forest beat with excitement as participants braved encounters with the formidable Morbol and navigated the enigmatic Doors of Amdapor. These activities tested agility, wit, and strategic thinking, offering a deep dive into the lore and legends of Amdapor.

Archers’ Guild Training: Inspired by the legendary archers of The Black Shroud, attendees honed their archery skills, each arrow shot a testament to the guild’s storied past and the participants’ burgeoning prowess, blending skill-building with historical homage.

Group Pose at The Black Shroud: Amidst the forest’s serene ambience, attendees captured moments in lush settings, creating vibrant, lasting memories of their journey through this mystical realm, a blend of the virtual and the tangible.

Sanctuary at Buscarron’s Druthers: As the festival buzzed with activity, Buscarron’s Druthers offered a haven of tranquillity, a place to pause and rejuvenate before venturing back into the adventure, embodying the spirit of sanctuary within exploration.

Group Pose at Bentbranch Meadows: Here, festival-goers interacted with Chocobos, capturing bonding moments that bridged the realms of Final Fantasy and reality, a testament to the enduring appeal of these iconic creatures and the immersive experience of the festival.

Behind the Scenes:

The Black Shroud - Event Concept Design

Embark on a magical journey through The Black Shroud, where ancient forests weave tales of mystery and moonlit paths lead to adventures untold.

Find out more:

Themed Zones - Drone Fly Throughs

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